
Our Future Is Not Doomed

The future of Missouri, the nation, and even the world may look bleak at the moment. It may seem like things are getting worse, living is becoming harder, and humanity is fading into the distance. However, there is a bright light on the horizon, and it's not the end. The only end we are witnessing is the end of elitism, corporate slavery, political corruption, and economic inequality. 

There is a bright future ahead of all of us -future where everyone has a home, where people are free to love who they want and be who they want to be. It's a future where you reign supreme, regardless of your job, skin color, religious choices, sexual orientation and gender identity, or past mistakes. This is the future I will fight for until my last breath. 

We deserve to be heard, treated equally, and, most importantly, to live without worrying if we will be able to afford it.

-Willard Gene Harris